ADCS serves as an extension of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) by providing Technical Assistance Reviews of the Alterations/Repairs of health care centers nation-wide through government funding of federal grants.



PURPOSE OF HIIP:  To renovate health-care facilities and expand health-care access to patients in historically under-served rural portions of the United States.

OVERVIEWOver $260,000,000 awarded to health-care centers nationwide through various grant programs.  Specifically, the grant program that involves building and renovating facilities allow for $1,000,000 in federal funding per Grantee, to include both construction costs and qualified equipment

ADCS' ROLE Architectural Design and Consulting Services provides Technical Assistance Reviews for the Department of Health & Human Services under it's multi-year SBA 8(a) contract vehicle.  ADCS reviews designs submitted by health-care applicants whose facilities qualify for the federal funding.